Wireframe Examples Figma UI Kit

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Get all the popular Wireframes from wireframe-examples.com in one comprehensive Figma UI Kit.

Check out Wireframe-Examples

What's included?

  • Get more than 40 up-to-date components
  • 10 different wireframe categories
  • Easily drag and drop to sketch your new design
  • One-time-payment: Use the local Figma file forever

Avoid wasting time coming up with component ideas. Simply choose the wireframes you like to start your new project with a clear path.

This Wireframe UI kit saves HOURS. And Costs less than a single billable hour.

Note: Wireframe Examples is not affiliated with Figma or Figma's team, nor is it endorsed by Figma.

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The Figma UI Kit as a file to use forever

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Wireframe Examples Figma UI Kit

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